The River Magazine

The River Magazine is a community-based arts publication that provides a platform for creative expression for those living in poverty or who are on a low income in the City of Peterborough/Nogojiwanong. It is funded by a combination of local sponsors, grants and fundraising. Each issue of The River contains a mix of poetry, photography, stories and visual art, by approximately 40 people. Each contributor gets paid. This magazine can have a significant effect on its contributors' mental health by providing a sense of belonging to the community, by providing a new source of meaningful work and by providing the opportunity to highlight key issues facing our low-income population. The River magazine is free and can be found around town, in neighbouring towns and cities and First Nations.

twitter: @river_magazine

The River Magazine

Here are images of the first 5 issues of The River Magazine. They can be found on our website.


Rob Niezen


Fortner Anderson/Demotic Locutions Press