Endless possibilities…

The Maker Space has been open for 6 months! Can you believe it?

Since March, we’ve welcomed so many new faces and familiar friends through the doors, each person bringing their own unique perspective and creativity to the space, and each inspiring us in a new way!

Image Description: Square of blue vinyl with the accessibility symbol cut out and stuck to a light grey table. White vinyl cutting tool and stetchbook page in the bottom right corner of the page.

In 6 months, we’ve also learned so much from our community. It seems no visit is complete without someone excitedly sharing feedback and new ideas for the space– as though each visit unlocks a new vision of what is possible.

When it comes to Maker Space programming, it was important for us to take a short pause this summer. Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve taken some time to sit back, consider the feedback we’ve received, and think about how to move forward. In consultation with board members, volunteers, community members, and among staff, we’ve settled on the following changes to our Open Studio Program: 

Maker Space Open Studio: 

🗓️ Open Studio will now run on THURSDAY evenings, from 6-8pm!⁠ Beginning September 14th. 

✂️ In addition to our weekly activity, community members will have access to collage and coloring materials! ⁠

🎨 Use of other Maker Space materials and equipment including painting, bookbinding, felting, printmaking, etc. will be restricted to our Friday and Saturday drop-in program, in other words- no longer available during Open Studio!⁠

What if I want to try printmaking, painting, etc.?

Our drop-in hours remain a wonderful opportunity to try out the full range of Maker Space equipment and materials. 

Our drop-in hours will remain the same, Friday and Saturday from 10-4! With the exception of the second Saturday of the month, when the Maker Space is reserved for our Print Club from 1-4pm. 

On Fridays and Saturdays, we have seen an uptick in artists and makers come in to utilize the space. Including: 

  • Artists looking to create in the company of others, 

  • Local printmakers taking advantage of our tabletop press,

  • Community members using our sewing machine to finish a project,

  • … the list goes on!

All in all, the Maker Space is an incredible resource, full of materials and equipment for artists and community members alike! And as long as we are here, we will continue to evolve to ensure our programs are sustainable, accessible, and in support of artists in this community.

Do you have ideas to share? Feedback on these changes, or your experience at Artspace more broadly?

Let us know!

Lastly, a big thank you to everyone for your patience and understanding as we took the last few weeks off to figure things out! We are coming back feeling refreshed and excited for what's to come!


Thank you!


It’s almost time!