
May 25, 2024

from 6pm to 10pm

Let’s groove tonight…

It’s the 50/50… 50! Join us in celebrating our 50th year with our beloved 50/50 fundraising event.

Our favourite event of the year, Artspace’s 50/50 not only a great party, but a great opportunity to bring home the work of a local artist. This year’s event will include the traditional 50/50 draw, door prizes, a fabulous raffle, food and drink, live entertainment, and more! Plus, we’ll be presenting a silent auction, viewable online. So, stay tuned for that!

This is a chance for art collectors, appreciators, and community members to take home original artwork at an affordable price. All artworks are contributed by regional artists with the raised funds being split between those artists whose work has been chosen and Artspace, one of the country’s longest-running artist-run centres.

Event Timeline

April 17 - May 7 - Accepting virtual form submissions

May 8 - 11 - Accepting physical submissions - Drop off artwork at Artspace, ready to hang.*

May 17 - 24 - Public display of your work(s) at Artspace*

May 25th - THE BIG EVENT! Doors open at 6pm! The main art draw starts at 7pm sharp!!!**

*All drop-offs and viewings will take place during our open hours. Please consult our website to view our hours.

**All participating artists receive a complimentary party ticket

Ticket Options:

Draw Ticket: $150

Grants you entrance, participation in the main draw, and all other activities (silent auction, fire sale, raffle, door prizes, etc).

Party Ticket: $50

You’ll be able to participate in all the shenanigans except for the main draw.

Sponsorship Tickets: Pay What You Can

We have a small amount of sponsorship tickets available at a PWYC rate. Contact us at gallery@artspaceptbo.ca to learn more!

** every ticket comes with 1 free drink ticket**


  • Leading up to the big event on May 25th, artists submit works of art to be included in our main draw.

    On the night of the event, draw ticket holders wait for their numbers to be called. When your number is called, you select a work of art on the wall and it gets taken down and wrapped up to be taken home - right then and there!

    For each piece of artwork that is selected in the main draw, the artist receives $75 and Artspace receives $75.

    The event is a total laugh. A riot. A must-experience!

  • No dress code … but the theme is 70s for a reason! So you can either have some fun and funky fancy with attire, or come as you are, or something in between.

  • After the main draw, many of the artworks remaining will be sold in our Fire Sale!

    In the first round, artworks will go for $120, and in the second they will go for $80. All ticket holders (Draw and Party) can participate! After artwork is selected, it will be packaged up for you to take home.

    All artworks must be paid for before leaving the venue.

  • The 50/50 is our biggest event of the year and takes alot of extra hands to make it happen! If you are interested joining the fun as a volunteer, we would LOVE to have you. Please email Jillian at your earliest convenience at programming@artspaceptbo.ca.